John Miller makes the comment that the 75 police precinct buildings in New York City has had a one-block perimeter secured around them as a security measure.
In the initial minutes of this segment the first reference to the degree of loss in the FDNY is mentioned. Initial reports indicated that as many as 200 firefighters are missing at the scene. The ultimate loss of FDNY firefighters was 343.
ABCs Linda Douglas and Peter Jennings take a few minutes beginning about 33 minutes into this segment to piece together the events of the morning with the hijacked planes.
Peter also mentions about 37 minutes into this segment that the network was continuously updating AB This was the first MAJOR breaking news story of the Internet era. I can tell you from experience on 9/11 that getting web pages for any of the major news outlets to update was almost impossible due to the incredible volume of activity on the web that day.
As a side-note to 9/11 (and in conjunction with my initial comment above) I lived six miles north of Luke Air Force Base in Arizona. The road I took home from work which ran on the east side of Luke AFB had guard posts erected, complete with armed guards and barricades fortified with sandbags. These posts stayed in place for many weeks after 9/11. It was quite an extraordinary sight to see major civilian roads secured in such a way to strengthen the security at a US military institution.